We Will Never Compromise

Meet the Chief Medical Board -they are the architects of health and wellness: by seamlessly blending allopathic and naturopathic solutions, we are building a roadmap for health and wellness that frees people everywhere from the sick care model that Big Pharma promotes.
The Wellness Company’s Chief Medical Board (Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. James Thorpe, Dr Harvey Risch, and Dr. Kelly Victory) never really knew each other or the mission they were destined for before the pandemic.
They all had and have one thing in common- putting patient care first
Their integrity, values, and commitment to patient care first was put to the test during the pandemic. The disinformation and powerful rhetoric and propaganda campaign that was pushed in every form created a divide between those willing to stand for what was right and those who were afraid for their jobs.
Taking on the Goliath of the biopharmaceutical entity and its cronies was not part of their retirement plan. They didn’t become doctors-dedicating over a decade of their life to education and thousands of dollars of debt- to throw it all away. These fine doctors were vilified, stripped of prestigious titles, and threatened with losing their licenses. Long-held positions and comfortable careers disappeared because of putting patients’ well-being before their own livelihood.
They could have looked the other way and stood by and did nothing as the pandemic unfolded, hiding behind the skirts of their corporate employers and institutions, but they didn’t.
Their unexpected adversaries were the very people and institutions they worked with and for. They had established relationships over the years with coworkers and administration. Marginalized and ridiculed, these warriors for truth were labeled conspiracy theorists, right-wing nut jobs, anti-vaxers, and more. How dare they, these highly educated care providers, question big pharma investors, Gates, and others?
The biopharmaceutical complex is suffering from autoimmune disease. It’s destroying itself from within.
Flip Flop Fauci
- Wear a mask, masks are not effective. Which is it?
- Fauci says shots work despite cases among fully vaccinated. (Either they work, or they don’t work, which is it, Fauci?)
- Anthony Fauci talks about ‘alarming’ new data on breakthrough infections
- Fauci: If you are vaccinated, you’re safe. If you’re not, you’re at risk. Which is it, Fauci?
All this guy has to do is open his mouth and he discredits himself.
We are not anti-vax. We are pro-science. We follow the true science
The Veterans Administration, 5 states, and even the VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) are acknowledging what our doctors had warned about- these vaccines are neither “safe” nor “effective”.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Recognized as Military Service-Connected (Dr. Peter McCullough interview on Substack)
- 5 states are suing Pfizer over Covid vaccine safety claim
The more they try to shut down our narrative, the stronger we become.
A parallel economy is emerging from the scattered and torn remnants of the current medical system.
There is a tidal wave of truth being exposed, and people are ready for a change.
The Wellness Company is here to support you every step of the way. If you are vaccine injured or desire to be a part of the movement away from insurance and big pharma dictating your care, we offer telemedicine memberships that kick the middleman out and preserve the patient/provider relationship. The way it should be. No one and no entity has the right to interfere with that relationship.
(by the way, if you are a first responder or veteran, we offer a 50% discount on our regular wellness membership and sincerely thank you for your service).
Not fearmongering- get prepared- they are
In an eerily familiar scenario of a tabletop exercise in October 2019 of a coronavirus pandemic, there is an Avian Influenza Pandemic Summit scheduled for October of this year. If the international community is going to all the trouble of holding this summit, we should be getting prepared.
Bill Gates has promised that this next pandemic will get everyone’s attention. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were (almost) impossible to get in many circumstances. Get these lifesaving medications now, while you still can.
Be prepared. Our Contagion Emergency Kit contains medications that were withheld before. Backed by protocols developed by experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, the kit contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak™), Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™) and Budesonide along with a nebulizer. Our kit also includes a Guidebook as an educational resource for safe emergency use. A free provider tele-visit is also included.
The brave and the courageous, who will never compromise
As Foster Coulson stated in his 2023 newsletter,” My flagship company, The Wellness Company, is the only company existing today that has created the scale to physically build a parallel Health Care / Well Care system, replacing the one that failed us all.
It is time we came together. It’s time we move out of the fearmongering used to control us, and into the light, the love, and the future. Can you feel the momentum we are building, the shift in the world is taking place? It IS happening. The people standing beside me are giants in their fields with unmatched credibility and courage; we are united and unbreakable. This new world is built on the brave and the courageous, who will never compromise their integrity and who lead by example in doing the right thing.”
The truth threatens their agenda and control. But people are waking up. And that scares them.
Did these brave doctors go to med school to become the center of a campaign to discredit their expertise? Threatened with their livelihood, standing up to the powerful pharmaceutical complex, the truth always prevails. They were stripped of prestigious titles, threatened with losing their license to practice medicine, and blacklisted. They are the true leaders of the new model of healthcare.
First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Join us. Be on the winning team.
Written by Brooke Lounsbury