The Truth is Coming Out - But it May Take a While

Propaganda, is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence and polarize public opinion. It is often conveyed through mass media.
It is legal to promote propaganda in the United States- if it is legal to promote propaganda on US soil and comes from other countries.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows previously prohibited foreign news outlets promoting propaganda on U.S. soil to be broadcast. The original act dates to World War 2 propaganda efforts to keep foreign news outlets from influencing American opinion about our country and world politics.
Weaponized propaganda
Combine propaganda with peer pressure, social distancing, gaslighting, and intimidation and you have the recipe for control of the narrative- and the people. This was the goal of our own rogue government (and governments around the world) colluding with big pharma during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Peter McCullough and the propaganda machine- The truth will set you free- but it will take a while
In a recent interview with Rebel News, Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Science Officer of The Wellness Company and the world’s most-published author on COVID-19 stated:
“In the mid-19th century, when Ignaz Semmelweis had the data showing that doctors should wash their hands, otherwise they'll spread the infection to other women who are pregnant and cause fatal postpartum sepsis, he was castigated, he was censored, he was kicked aside. And it was 20 years later, the medical community said, oh, he was right. We should have been washing our hands.
Rosenhill, around 1950, proposed that smoking caused lung cancer. Doctors, nurses, and health administrators were advertising cigarettes. They were smoking in the operating rooms. Twenty years later, the Surgeon General reported, smoking causes lung cancer.”
It will take decades before the wrongdoings of COVID-19 are acknowledged and those who fought for truth and preservation of life are vindicated.
Terms such as “anti-vaxxer, Anti-Science, Conspiracy Theorist will go by the wayside as the truth is revealed and the devasting toll the COVID-19 propaganda machine had on human life is acknowledged.
People are already waking up. A recent poll revealed that over half the population has lost trust in physicians and hospitals.
Human history's largest worldwide experiment- isolation, vaccination, and intimidation- is rapidly losing credibility.
Dr. McCullough goes on to state:
“Quite frankly, the vaccine manufacturers are under lawsuit in the UK. It's AstraZeneca. They voluntarily pulled into the United States. Janssen's been voluntarily pulled. Pfizer's being sued by five states, probably soon to be many more for deceptive trade practices. The vaccines never went through standard preclinical development for pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. teratogenicity, oncogenicity, biodistribution.
These vials are valuable for us to study what went wrong with the vaccine campaign, and yet they're being destroyed. And so we've only had just a minimal look at what's in the vaccines. I think everybody should be very alarmed that not a single government in the world has opened the vials and inspected what's in them.”
Safe and Effective is a lie - The vaccines add fuel to the fire
“Now, because the vaccine doesn't work, most people who've been vaccinated have had COVID as well. So they've actually been double- or triple-dosed on spike protein.”
“And now since 2021(mass vaccination started in December 2020), every cancer registry in the world is on the way up.
What most people need to know is we're talking largely about solid organ cancers like lung cancer, kidney cancer, et cetera. From the time a cancer begins to the time it's clinically recognized, it's typically five years. So what we think is the vaccines in those with nascent cancers yet to be detected has potentially accelerated the course of the cancer. And so the apt term is turbo cancer.”
Question everything- especially authorities
“Don't have any Individual in a position of authority try to tell you what they think the state of affairs is. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. Don't accept propaganda terms. Propaganda terms are misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, anti-science, anti-vaxxer, and conspiracy theorists. “
Don’t accept those terms, follow reputable organizations like Rebel News and independent media outlets that are resistant to the groupthink of the suppression of speech and individual thought.
Dr. McCullough’s natural, widely available detox protocol was also the victim of propaganda, causing untold thousands to suffer needlessly.
This bundle consists of three powerful ingredients: Spike Support's Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Turmeric Extract, based directly on Dr. McCullough's groundbreaking McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detox.
Backed by the groundbreaking study on this protocol, the McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detox Trio can help both vaccinated and non-vaccinated get back their pre-covid feeling.
Written By Brooke Lounsbury