The future of independent Pharmacy:
Bolstering Main Street America:
By joining the TWC family, your pharmacy will be recognized as one who puts care before profit. People will know you are a trusted entity that strives in bringing health and wellness to your patients and community alike.
Our goal is to support our health team of providers in recognizing that you are aligned with TWC mission and assist our patients looking for brave freedom pharmacies who can provide for their health and wellness needs.
Whether you’re a first-time pharmacy operator or an experienced business owner, deciding to partner with TWC is a big decision.
That’s why our goal is to make the process as easy as possible.
Contact our team for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to change the name of my pharmacy?
No. We understand many of our affiliates have spent years building a personal brand in their communities. With The Wellness Company, our design will bring more visibility to your unique branded touch that's right for your business. We will provide you with marketing materials and displays to let your community know you are affiliated with the Wellness Pharmacy Network.
Do I have to be affiliated with a specific wholesaler?
No. You do not need to be affiliated with a specific wholesaler.
What’s the difference between The Wellness Company and big pharma chains?
We value your independence and are committed as an ally to grow and thrive in today's pharmacy market. We are aware you decided to open an independent pharmacy business that you value and are dedicated to your community. The Wellness Company Pharmacies are as unique as the communities they serve, but they all share a common goal- to bolster Main Street Pharmacy and deliver a quality of care that is recognized by their patients and community members alike.
How much does it cost?
Our answer to this trips some people up, so you might want to sit down for this.
No cost to you and risk free!
Our goal will always be to put patient care before profit and stand out from the big pharma greed agenda.
No cost to you and risk free!
Our goal will always be to put patient care before profit and stand out from the big pharma greed agenda.