Dr. Jennifer VanDeWater, PharmD

Co-Founder of the Integrative Therapeutics Board for The Wellness Company


Quotes from Dr. VanDeWater:

"I joined TWC to make a difference in people's lives by providing authentic and genuine care resulting in restored health and vitality."

"My goal is to guide each individual to discover their health design, unique to what works best through mind, body, spirit alignment; equipping and empowering health ownership for optimal wellness outcomes."

"The Wellness Company provides a continuum of care process between pharmacists, patients, and their doctors. It's never been done this way before- your optimal health and wellness is our number one priority."




Dr. Jennifer VanDeWater, PharmD, is a registered pharmacist licensed in Maine, New York, and Vermont. She graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy of Albany NY in 2006. Dr. Jen is The People’s Pharmacist: as one of the founders of the Integrative Therapeutics Board of The Wellness Company, she is a global leader in reinitializing continuum of care processes between pharmacists, patients, and their doctors.

This means developing an understanding that pharmaceuticals are only part of the solution that patients should consider for their wellness - nutraceuticals, diet, mental health, and lifestyle changes need to be incorporated into health plans.

Today, Dr. Jen VanDeWater is not only looking out for the overall wellness of the people, she is also finding ways to support brave independent Main Street pharmacies who stand up against the corporate agenda. Dr. VanDeWater embodies the The Wellness Company values and leads the way in how we think about wellness.





Dr. Jen VanDeWater's Immune Boost Formula
Get a potent immune boost, naturally.

Dr. VanDeWater's Immune Boost Formula improves your body’s immune system with key natural ingredients for fighting infections and aiding in your recovery.

Dr. VanDeWater recommends this formula to clients for both immune system fortification while healthy and for an added boost when you find yourself ill.

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Dr. VanDeWater's Spike Recovery Formula
Inhibit spike viral effects, blood vessel blockages.

Dr. VanDeWater's proprietary formula provides immune and healing support for people with prolonged effects of respiratory infection or other exposure to the spike protein.

We recommend this formula to help your body repair itself – particularly in cases of "long haul" illnesses – and recover back to optimum health so you and your family can stay healthy.

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Dr. VanDeWater in The WELL


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